Tuesday, March 01, 2011

have i ever mentioned how much i love cookbooks?

yes, i am a dork. yes, i read cookbooks cover to cover. ...but seriously, what's not to like? you miss so much when you don't read your cookbook--flipping from recipe to recipe while using only the index means you miss all of the witty commentary and random historical insights that the author uses as glue between the recipe for things like gumbo and gazpacho. how else would you transition between those two recipes?

i will admit that i don't read all of my cookbooks. some (The New Best Recipe) have permanent page markers that flip me easily between oven fries, chicken stock, and chocolate cake with buttercream frosting. good old Joy of Cooking is most easily navigated by index, though i do take the time to read the introduction to the section i'm cooking from. did you know that Irma left us simple directions for everything from how to best poach an egg to how to select root vegetables? it's all hidden there in the print between recipes folks. its worth taking the time to read.

my new cookbook crushes mean that i'm splitting time between Amanda Hesser's doorstop-thickness Essential New York Times Cookbook and Melissa Clark's less imposing, but just as endearing In the Kitchen With a Good Appetite. these cookbooks literally make me drool. they have also been working together to get me out of some recent ruts, both in the kitchen, and in my life.

my kitchen rut has involved a lot of nachos (wince) and pasta. my life rut has involved a degenerating work situation and growing dissatisfaction with my little schedule. i am happy to report that both have received much-needed boosts in the past couple of weeks. recently i have been juggling jobs around to find a balance that makes me happier. i have also taken on a new project--revitalizing the Slow Food Yamhill County blog, and have been busily planning for our community garden row (mostly this involved drooling over seed catalogs and names like chioggia and rubine). i have also recently baked two cakes (buttermilk vanilla bean (find it here), and sour milk, of NYT origins), made cheese straws (oh my god), and after finishing this post, i will be heading back to the kitchen to explore olive oiled granola and spaetzle. things are looking up all the time! it feels good to be gaining momentum going into spring.

how about you?


1 comment:

Jen said...

My favorite sit-down-and-read cookbook so far: "The Pleasures of Cooking for One" by Judith Jones. Some of the recipes are a bit ridiculous (you're supposed to go out and buy fresh veal) but there are other yummy treats in there!
Happy cooking!