Monday, March 14, 2011

food for thought

a lot of reading these days. i guess less time spent working for other people opens up that possibility.

a lot of following of international news. it feels like i rarely turn off NPR. been following the news in libya for weeks now, and keeping my dear friend nadia in my thoughts. i recently learned that she will be coming home soon. i am happy to hear she will be out of danger as violence intensifies in the country once again. and then japan... so many lives lost and broken to pieces. so much uncertainty out of something that feels so certain--the ground beneath our feet. yet another reminder of how perilous our existence is these days.

i had started a new kick of nonfiction reading before these events started informing my days. now what i am learning from these books feels more necessary than ever. not just good things to know anymore; they are good reasons to act.

on my pile right now:

hot by mark hertsgaard
tons of up to date information on the impacts of global climate change, present and future. also a lot of reasons to still be hopeful, and a lot of reasons to act.

finding beauty in a broken world by terry tempest williams
okay, i read this a while ago, but it fits to perfectly with my current line of thought. a fabulously well written and unique book about finding hope among the ruins (be they human or environmental).

the impossible will take a little while by paul rogat loeb
the newest addition: a collection of essays, poems, stories, speeches, and letters by peace activists from all over the world. a meditation on why hope is so important and so powerful.

i think not working as much has me thinking a lot more about what i might want to do with myself. (something other than working part time in retail.) these books are giving me both ideas and encouragement.

and so i don't get to caught up in the difficulties of the world...

on beauty by zadie smith
because good novels always remind me what it means to be human.

what are you reading?


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