Saturday, December 13, 2008

first impressions of copenhagen

1. bikes, bikes, bikes, bike lanes that are like their own streets, kids on bikes, parents on bikes with kids, bikes left unlocked on the sidewalks (trust!), road bikes, cruiser bikes, bikes with baskets and bikes with bells. did i mention bikes?
2. pretty, simple, symmetrical architecture; spires and steep roofs and colorful facades.
3. tivoli gardens = amazing, even without riding any of the rides. churros with chocolate sauce are my new favorite food. and i wish they celebrated christmas with this much flair back home.
4. lots of really beautiful people with unusually colored eyes and easy smiles.
5. little kids in snow onesies, mittens and hats.
6. canals of dark green water.
7. cool grafitti that i can't read at all.
8. an exchange rate that causes considerable confusion.
9. christmas lights, cold wind, cobblestones, and cheese for breakfast.
10. protest (?) marches accompanied by homemade music (drums, maracas, and clapping hands), accompanied by dancing and banners that i couldn't understand.

1 comment:

Sam said...

I can't believe you're out and about travelling already. So stellar! Have a fantAstic time! loves, Sam