Friday, July 22, 2011


you all know i love food. i thought i'd share will you all a few of my favorite foodie websites! i've slowly been collecting these guys in my bookmarks menu, which is now heavily skewed in favor of food and pretty food pictures. have fun!

also... mojito party anyone? how about watermelon mojitos? um, yes. did i mention i live directly above a pool?

i love this site and am totally jealous of molly wizenberg. she's gorgeous, has written one book and is working on another, and also has this little project going on the side... i kind of want her life.

smitten kitchen
thanks mom! ever since she sent me this link, i have eagerly perused deb's site searching for inspiration and always finding it. i've already made a few of her recipes with awesome results. did i mention she also has a book deal and cooks in a 42 square foot kitchen in NYC? ya.

the blue hour
so no, not strictly food--but brian takes amazing photos, and they're often of food. even better. he's a coffee shop groupie like i am, and likes his film camera better than anything. i'm jealous of all of his dinner parties.


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