Tuesday, June 21, 2011


um what? come again...

can you believe it? it's already midsummer, the longest day of the year, almost the end of june. it looks like it's going to be a beautiful one too.

summer this year has seemed a bit like some surreal fantasy or dream, but here i am wearing a skirt and tank top for the first time in for-ev-er. i guess we can't deny it anymore.

with summertime officially upon us, i've been thinking about how un-official summer feels this year; kind of accidental, kind of sneaky. partly it's the rainy weather. partly it's the lack of skirt-wearing and general adventure-having that i've had so far... but i think the major difference is that summer no longer means freedom: in fact, it means working more hours, struggling to get time off to get out of town, and wishing that i wasn't missing out on the days that are actually sunny because i'm at work. hmm. doesn't quite have the same ring as pool parties and hiking trips and watermelon seed spitting contests in the back yard, and three months without homework. hopefully my growing tomato plants, itchy chaco sunburn, and a weekend away will help it feel a little more summery around here.

that's right, erik and i are leaving mcminnville. for like four whole days. can you tell this is monumental? after so long working opposite schedules, and feeling too tired at the end of the day to do a whole lot more than a bike ride (well, mostly erik does that), a salad for dinner, and a beer, we have four whole days to ourselves! we're going to cook real meals! three times a day! we're going to scorn alarm clocks! i'm going to bring a couple new recipes to try, read a book for our book club, go kayaking, get another sunburn, maybe even write sitting out on the deck with a glass of wine. we might buy some illegal fireworks! ahhh vacation... why do you come so rarely?

hopefully you are all finding ways to celebrate the summery days. i'll see you after vacation.


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