Wednesday, August 26, 2009

sunset and sunrise

((it's been a long time since i have tended my blog... sorry everyone. this is mainly because what i have wanted to share is in image form, and i lost my camera cord for a long time. images have come much easier than words these past few months, so here follows the start of my summer's image recovery.))

in the middle of july erik and i were able to take a weekend off and spend some time at the coast. we enjoyed delicious weather, taffy, and each other's company--all far, far away from the daily summer reality (and frustration) of work.

the part of our trip that i most enjoyed was seeing the starts and ends of days... there is something so reassuring, and at the same time un-centering, about meditating on the movement of the earth under our feet--rather than the movement of those feet across the earth.

sunset, pacific city (1)


sunrise, glacier rock (1)




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