Thursday, March 05, 2009

wearing hats

this is a remnant of my time in england, which of late has been flitting around the back of my mind. please comment on it... i'd love to hear what you have to say.
(thanks, ans, for encouraging me to post this)

wearing hats

some days i want that brim above my eyes. some days the horizon is too far away, the sky too large, for me to be okay with the scale of my own small body.

between the brim and the ground beneath my feet is a world that i know well, even if i don't always like it.
in this human realm, i usually know how to navigate. usually.

some days it is beautiful down here. sometimes people are exquisite. they reach out to each other, comfort each other; bring laughter and joy and sweetness to lives that can so easily become hum-drum.
i mark these moments in my mind, on my pages, to remind me when those times pass. because they do pass.

on those other days, i tear that hat off of my head, and breathe a long sigh of relief.

as safe as it may seem, it gets crowded under that brim. it gets noisy. it gets tense and heated and competitive. on those days i want the world to be bigger--to remind me that there is still something more. something larger than human fallibility and pettiness.

on those days i want to reach and reach and reach for that horizon.

the height of the mountains, the tangle of trees, the wide-opens of the world call out to me. i am lost looking up into that expanse of sky: my hat lies forgotten on the ground.



Ansley said...

Oh, I like this even more seeing it written out. There is such a sense of joy and loneliness and the infinite all at the same time.

Nadia said...

Oh Beth, that was really lovely :) I definitely agree with Ansley's comment. Love you!