Sunday, September 28, 2008

first pictures!

sorry it has taken me so long to get some pictures up, but here are a few from my morning walk today:

the view across the lake: the trent building. it's really beautiful... and enormous.

here's the lake itself. there's a path all the way around it, and when i went for my walk i passed lots of families with little kids. it's a pretty popular gathering spot for people--there were also little old men floating beautiful little model boats in the lake as i walked by.
this is the bench i sat down on to write in my journal for a bit. these random little beautiful places are what i really love about england.
this is the downs. it's a big grassy hill right in the center of the campus. my dorm is down the hill here and to the left (i couldn't get a good picture of it).
this is a little path i take between my dorm and the academic buildings. i think i can handle seeing this every day... :)

once classes are in session and i have a regular schedule again, i'll be able to travel and the pictures will come flooding in. :) i'll try to control myself.


Nadia said...

Oh Beth! The pictures look so beautiful and peaceful :) I am missing seeing "green" here, so I am glad you get to see it in England :)

Sam said...

Some of that scenery looks so familiar to the Willamette valley. I'm glad that you are journaling and claiming places (like the bench) your own. smiles :)