Thursday, September 23, 2010

where does the time go?

i foolishly thought that after i graduated from college, that the intertia of my life would lessen somewhat--or at least maybe pause. now it's already the end of september, and i am eating those innocent hopes every day as i realize that i missed peaches, and missing blackberries, and the tomatoes may not ripen if this cool weather keeps up. where does the time go?

i feel a bit like the leaves that are now beginning to tumble across the ground. buffeted. ragged. crisp and chilly. still clinging to their green. some mornings it's the best feeling in the world. others, i just feel tired.

my days recently are marked mostly by the passage of various books in and out of my hands. their weight is constant, which occasionally lulls me into the security of lost hours and their similarity. and then i realize i'm three titles further down the line, and i don't remember what i read four covers ago.

my start-of-fall recommendations:

"room" by emma donoghue
"zoli" by colum mccann
"all american poem" by matthew dickman

may your days pass slower than mine,
